What is Link building ?

You can think of links as votes. When other websites are linking to your page, it tells Google that your page is somehow important. Which is essentially Google’s PageRank algorithm in a nutshell. So the more high-quality backlinks a page has, the higher it tends to rank in Google. And if you want to outrank it with your own page, you’ll likely need to get more links than it has.

I obviously oversimplified things quite a bit. Ranking #1 in Google is a lot more nuanced than just getting more links, because links aren’t the only ranking signal that Google uses. But it’s a very strong signal nevertheless, and it has a very direct influence on your search rankings. So what is link building, and how do you do it? 

Link building is the process of getting other websites to link to pages on your website. Its purpose is to boost the “authority” of your pages in the eyes of Google so that these pages rank higher and bring more search traffic. 

Let’s get a bit deeper into that. 

Conceptually, most popular link building strategies fall into one of the following five buckets: 

1. Adding links – That’s when you go to some website and manually add your link there. 

2. Asking for links – That’s when you send emails to owners of relevant websites and ask them to link to you. 

3. Buying links – Same as above, but you offer them money (or some other form of compensation). 

4.Earning links – This refers to creating and promoting something so noteworthy that people would link to it naturally. 

5. Agency – You can also hire a link building agency to do it all for you.

You can also hire an experienced link builder (or a link building agency) to do it all for you. And that’s what a lot of digital marketers and business owners eventually end up doing because no matter which tactics you choose, building links is a lot of work. 

But even if you decide to outsource link building, it would be immensely useful to have some basic knowledge of how it’s done. This way, you would be able to see if the person you hired is doing a good job or not.

if your are looking for a link building agency you can contact us.

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